BruSlam 2nd editie : each 21st day of the month - GalerY (VUB)

Publié le par bruslam

BruSlam is a multilingual Slam Free Podium  every 21st of the month at VUB GalerY. Open to everybody without distinction between language, gender, religion, skin, age… with the intention to start up a dialogue between the different communities in Brussels: Belgians, Europeans & citizens of the world.
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Next Evening :
Monday 21/12/2009

Jah Mae Kân

Gebouw Y'
Campus Etterbeek
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Triomflaan - toegang 6 (near the CultuurCafé)
1050 Brussel

begin 20:00
Inscription 19.30

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